VSM World

Le dernier patch de Forspoken a bien amélioré les performances

Square Enix annonce la disponibilité d’un patch 1.1 pour son jeu Forspoken, ce dernier se téléchargera automatiquement à l’ouverture de votre launcher. La mise à jour s’annonce particulièrement complète, avec différentes corrections de bugs et de bien belles promesses en terme d’évolutions des performances. Square Enix annonce corriger des problèmes de scintillement avec les RX 570 et 580, avoir diminué l’utilisation de la VRAM, une meilleure gestion de la luminosité et du contraste, une optimisation des temps de chargement (réduction de 70 % dans certaines zones)…
Patch Notes

Technical Issues:
et#12539;Fixed an issue where the screen unintentionally flickers when AMD’s Radeon RX570 or RX580 is used. (PC version)
et#12539;Fixed an issue where the screen flickers. (Rare issue / PlayStation®5 version)
et#12539;Various minor fixes.

Feature Updates:
et#12539;Adjusted the explanatory text and default camera position for the tutorial of the Magic Parkour skill Zip.
et#12539;Added an option allowing players to choose to automatically switch to the last-viewed section when accessing a menu.
et#12539;Added an option to allow players to choose to automatically point the camera to the targeted enemy when locking on an enemy during charging spells.
et#12539;Added an option enabling players to choose to automatically switch the lock-on target to a nearby enemy after defeating a locked-on enemy.
et#12539;Added an option that enables players to lock on to off-screen enemies.
et#12539;Added an option for players to choose to prevent being staggered by the effects of Frey’s own spells.
et#12539;Adjusted some enemy movement and behaviour when taking damage.
et#12539;Adjusted Sila’s Magic “Slice” to be unleashed in the direction Frey is facing. […]

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